The film Press Pause Play disuses the change in media over the years and how that has resulted in a larger range of possible artists. With new resources more people have access to the equipment need to create music. "With just me, my laptop, an idea and five million downloads." (David Weinberger). With very limited items now, one can create a piece of art and share it with the world. Today the technology gives this opportunity to everybody. "Everybody is an artist, in olden days people didn't make stuff" (Moby). Any person that wants to can easily make music. This was not the case in the past. The technology has improved, opening the door for new artists. "In five minutes, I can do what took six months" (Moby). The technology has not only connected more people to music but also in a shorter time. Artist can easily create music and put it out into the world. All of these advantages have come with the technology that has progressed over time.
Images and music have a way to connect emotion to a subject. In the film Existential Bummer with Jason Silva uses images to enhance what he is talking about. For example the old photos they use. These bring the viewer back in time and connects them throughout time to people and emotions. Without the images the viewer would only hear the worlds. The Images make them feel and connect to them. In the film The Most Astounding Fact, Neil DeGrasse Tyson uses music to add dramatic effect. Music amplifies an ordinary moment and makes it important. Music tells one how to feel. Depending to the beat and sound, one knows the feeling the artist was feeling and feels it themselves. In the film Press Pause Play Olafur Arnalds talks about how even without speaking the same language, two people can feel the same thing and be connected. "Technology can connect art to people with different language" (Olafur Arnalds). Music and photos are a form of technology that connect people. They don't need to speak the same language to be connected and feel the same things.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Monday, April 6, 2015
Smoke Signals

In order for Victor to heal from his Dads death and leaving him earlier in life, he must first face it. Thomas always tried to get Victor to relies this. Since they were kids Thomas would always ask Victor why his dad left. He was trying to get Victor to see the real reason he left and that it was not because of of him but the fire he started. On their trip Thomas continued to tell stories about Victors dad no matter how many times he told him to stop. Thomas was trying to get Victor to think about his dad and face the truth of what had happened. If you keep denying tragic events you can never heal from them. Suzy Song also pushed Victor to face his fathers death. She encouraged him to go into his fathers trailer and look at the things he had left behind. She knew it would be help Victor heal to connect to his father and seeing his belongings would be a good way of doing that. Victor needed to really think about and absorb the pain in order to get past it and heal.

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