Sunday, October 19, 2014

Memoir presentations part 2

Many memoirs talk about the hard times people go though in their life and how those events have inspired them to be a better person. This is the case in the book It Calls You Back by Luis Rodriguez. He talks about his life growing up in a gang and his time in jail. Rodriguez's time in jail opened his eyes to the possibility of a better life. Rodriguez realized that he wanted to change his life and did just that. He struggled with drugs and violence while he was in the gang. In his book he describes how hard it was to leave his rage and addictions in his past. The events he suffered thought in his life inspired him to help kids so they don't go thought the same hardships that he did. He not only wanted to make a better life for himself but give kids in his same position a chance to have a better life as well. Rodriguez has changed his life and helped many others change theirs for the better.

Another person that suffered hardships in order to change his life for the better is David Myers, the author of The Pursuit of Happiness. Myers ran into financial trouble while tying to pursue his dreams of  being an entrepreneur. Even though his money troubles greatly impacted his life he did not let that stop him from chasing his dreams. Myers and his son become homeless for a while. He struggled to find motivating to keep going but he never gave in. Myers became a very successful stock broker due his persistence. He keeps his hopes up and never lets his kid think there is no hope. "If you want somethin', go get it. Period." Myers continues to inspire and motivate his son thought their hard times. He continues to believe that anything is possible. He never gives up and in the end he changes his life for the better.

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