Friday, January 23, 2015

Dancing With Wolves part 2

Dancing With Wolves uses pathos to connect the viewer to the struggles and hardship the Sioux went thought when settlers came to their land. There is a scene where Lt.Dunbar dance around a fire when he returns from his time with the tribe. Before this was seen as savage but this film made it a beautiful scene that showed Dunbar connecting with the tribe and also spiritually to nature. Another use of pathos in the movie is Two Socks; the wolves. When he is killed it shows the senseless killing and pain. Killing another for no other reason than not understanding each other. There was no respect, pain and killing was done for sport. The movie also uses pathos to get the viewer to really think about the to very different cultures and how they clash. In the scene where the Sioux found the buffalo the settlers had killed just for there fur and tongues, it shows the differences in views the two cultures have. The natives respect everything they kill and never waste any part of the animal. The settlers on the other hand just kill them so they can make a profit and don't worry about the rest of the animal that could help preserve the Sioux way of life. The scene is so sad and heartbreaking that it makes one think about how the two sides are so different and the violence that came from that.

Dancing With Wolves breaks a lot of stereotypes surrounding native nations but still misrepresents the tribe throughout the movie. The movie makes it seem that Lt.Dunbar teaches the Sioux how to use guns for the first time. In reality the Sioux had been trading for guns for a while before this movie takes place. The tribe were already good shooters and don't need someone to teach them how to use a gun. Another misconception is the fight between the Sioux and Pawnee. The movie shows the Sioux as weaker and afraid of the Pawnee. Battles between these two tribes had been going on for a along time and they were pretty equal in terms of warriors. The Sioux were not afraid of them, they had won many battles prior to when the movie takes place. Other thing that was looked over until the end of the movie was the fact that white settlers were not the first people the Sioux had to fight for their land against. The majority of the movie the Sioux are depicted as this being their first encounter with people other than the neighboring tribes. The Sioux had to battler the Spanish, Mexicans, and Texans all before white settlers came to their land.  This was the first film that showed natives as something other than savage but it still has its imperfections and doesn't depicted them completely accurate. 

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