Monday, March 2, 2015

ceremony part 3

As time goes on thing are continuously changing. Even before white settlers became a part of Indian life, ceremonies were changing. "But long ago when the people were given these ceremonies, the changing began, if only in the aging of the yellow ground rattle or the shrinking of the skin around the eagles claw, if only in the different voices from generation to generation, singing the chants. You see, in many ways, the ceremonies have always been changing" ( Leslie Marmon Silko). The ceremonies had been effected by many other things prior to white settlers. Indian nations noticed a huge change as white settlers came to their land and blame them for the change because it was such a drastic and hard change to live though. "But after the white people came, elements in this world began to shift;and it became necessary to create new ceremonies" (Silko 116).  As white people came into natives lives, they made an impact and forever altered the natives lives. There was no ignoring these new people and going on with life as if a drastic change had not occurred. Changes were made to keep up with these new influences. "So, long time ago they got him back again but he wasn't quite the same after that not like the other children" (Silko 120). Once you have experienced something, no matter what it is, you are forever changed. That change becomes a part of you and influences the rest of your life.

Race is just a social label put on people. there once was a time where race did not exist at all. "Thirty thousand years ago they were not strangers" (Silko 114-115). Long before modern cultures, we were all on species. Everyone shares the same ancient ancestors, there were no differences between the people we all evolved from. You can not put a judgement on a whole race because it is only how society defines a person not what controls them. "Nothing is that simple he said, you don't write off all white people, just like you don't trust all Indians" (Silko 118).  All races have good and bad, evil isn't secluded to a specific race. It is in everyone and the color of ones skin has no influence on their actions or how they deal with it. The social construct of race is what is wrong with people and why change and healing is so hard. "he would never get well as long as he used words like we and us" (Silko 116). As people continue to view themselves as separate, they will never be able to come together and fix the problems in society. Race is just a cultural ideas and has no real significance in peoples life. Once people accept that and believe there are no differences, healing can start.

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