Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Easy access to technology can either bring more people to music or lower the quality. The advances that have been made to improve the creative process have also stretched it reaches. "Today we live in a world of nearly unlimited computing power and connectivity" (The Huffington Post; Technology and Music). The technology in existence today provides a way to share media and music globally. There is not limit to where the technology can reach. The new techniques have also opened a door for a new form of music. "Innovative music has always been inextricably linked to technology" (The Huffington Post; Technology and Music). As a new, technological form of music becomes popular it arguably drowns out the base idea of music and composing. The artist loses the connect with the instrument and therefore the music, making the quality diminish. Just because something is easy and fast, does not mean it is always the best tool. In Press Pause Play, Moby says "In five minutes, I can do what took six months" (Press Pause Play). Before new technology an artist would have to spend five months working on their music and from a connection with the song that would translate into the sound. That lost connection can impact the quality of the music shared with the world. Technology can be both an advantage or disadvantage to the music industry.

In order for one to heal, they must first face what haunts them. In the film Smoke Signals Victor is trying to cope with the lose of his distant father. His friend Thomas says "Do we forgive our fathers in our age, or in theirs? Or in their deaths, saying it to them or not saying it. If we forgive our fathers, what is left?" (Smoke Signals). All Victor has of his father is resentment for leaving but if he accepts the reality he can move forward and be at peace with his father. An article in the Huffington Post talks about the connection between acceptance and healing. "If you don't allow your body to attend to your feelings through its natural healing process, your body may force you to deal with it at a later point, whether you want to or not" (The Huffington Post; Accepting and Embracing Grief: A Road to Healing). It is natural to go though the struggles that accompany grief in order to grow stronger and better in the future. One can never be fixed, but healing is accomplished when their hardships are embraced. "In the acceptance phase, you learn to accept the loss and integrate it into your life. It's not so much that you are fine with the loss or tragedy. Instead, your mind, body and emotions are finally able to accept the events that have occurred, and you see it as something you can assimilate into your everyday life, thoughts and feelings" (The Huffington Post; Accepting and Embracing Grief: A Road to Healing). Though unpleasant situations, one shapes who they become and can find a possessive why to turn their life around. It is because one embraces their past struggles that they are able to heal and create a better life rather then push down the emotions and continuously destroy them inside.

Connecting to other cultures can be a positive outcome inside a dark healing process. In The book Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko, Tayo is a Laguna Pueblo veteran trying to cope with PTS. "Caterpillar spreads out dry corn husks on the floor. He rubbed his hands together and tobacco fell into the corn husks" (Silko 167). The caterpillar in Laguna culture is viewed as evil and damaging to the crops but in Navajo culture it is seen as magic and helpful to the crops. Tayo uses aspects from both cultures to begin his healing process. Getting a different view on things can open ones eyes to a new way of life that is uniquely beneficial to them. In a article on the HereToHelp Website, it talks about connecting to many cultures. "We can participate in and belong to many cultures, though we usually identify mainly with one. When we look at culture this way, it becomes a very fluid entity, applicable to all people" (HereToHelp; Trauma, Resilience and the role of culture Identification in Healing). Culture is not set in stone, one can combine and distort culture to individually fit their life. Mixing culture gives one the opportunity to find what they really need and a way to look at life that can help them overcome anything. "Connecting people with other from their own cultural background and belief system is essential to promoting and maintaining resiliency (i.e., the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties). It's a way for people to share their strengths and acknowledge their challenges- to have a cultural relationship" (HereToHelp; Trauma, Resilience and the role of culture Identification in Healing). Connecting with outside cultures not only opens one up to new ways too think but also new people and their experiences. One can find strength in others and use that in their own internal battles. Combining many cultures into a single unique culture that fits a persons specific needs is the best way overcome the struggles in life and find the healing process that is truly going to work for them.

Life is full of duality. With every dark turn life makes, light can be found. In the film Seven Pounds, The main character Ben is at battle with these two sides. "The first time I ever saw a box jellyfish, I was twelve. Our father took us to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. I never forgot what he said... That it was the most deadly creature on Earth. To me it was just beautiful thing I'd ever seen" (Seven Pounds). Even something with so much beauty can be so destructive. It is not one or the other, both sides live in balance. Ben falls in love with a Emily, a women in need of a heart transplant. She says "What if... may pager goes off... and it's a heart... and... it works? And my body doesn't reject it? And... what if I have time?" (Seven Pounds). In order for Emily to have the time she wants, Ben must sacrifice his heart to her. He has found happiness but their is a dark side to it as well. His happiness depends on Emily, and the only way to save her is to lose himself. helps many people on his journey, but every time he helps someone he is taking away from himself. "All I ask is for you to honor my wishes... and, of course, live life abundantly" (Seven Pounds). In order for them to live life abundantly like he wants, Ben must give up his life. In order to enjoy the light in life, one must take on the dark as well. The two aspects are always together and intertwined.

One must find a way to see the light when they are surrounded by darkness. In Tim McGraw's song If You're reading This, a soldier is wring a letter home to his family for if he doesn't make it back himself. The lyrics say "If you're reading thins, there is going to come a day. You move on and find someone else and that's okay. Just remember this, I'm in a better place. Soldiers live in peace, and angles sing amazing grace" (If You're reading This- Tim McGraw). Even in a time of sadness, the soldier finds the happiness that can come from it. The music video has a sad theme but moments of light and joy when the soldier thinks of the bright future still ahead for his loved ones. In another Tim McGraw song, Live like you were dyin', a man learns he is sick but chooses to embrace the life he has left instead for drawn in the darkness. " I went skydiving, I went rocky mountain climbing, I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu, And I loved deeper, And I spoke sweeter, And I gave forgiveness I'd been denyin', And he said, Someday I hope you get the chance to live like you were dyin" (Live like you were dyin'- Tim McGraw). One must live the life they have and make the most of it. Dwelling in the darkness is not actually living. The music video has the man looking back at his life as if it was an old movie, remembering the good times and not focusing on the bleak future. "He said, I was finally the husband that most the time I wasn't and I became a friend, a friend would like to have" (Live like you were dyin'- Tim McGraw). Sometimes it takes grave situations for one to truly start living their life on the light side. Even though the unfortunate times are hard and can easily consume ones life, one must push past them and find a way to enjoy the good in life.

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