Saturday, September 27, 2014

The War

The War is a movie about a war veteran who returns home from with PTS. It is about how he copes with the trauma and how it effects his family. The dad (Steven) returned home from war but cant keep a job because of his dreams or the fact that he stayed in a mental hospital for awhile after the war. While fighting and friend he went through training with was injured along with all the other soldiers with them. He carried his friend back to the helicopter but they only had room for one person. He had to leave his friend behind and get on the helicopter without him. After coming home, he got a job pumping water with a friend he made from a previous job. while they were working rocks fell on top of his friend. He refused to leave him behind like he did to his friend during war. His friend get free but causes more rocks to fall. They hit Steven and he is badly injured. He dies shortly after the accident. Stu (his son) puts all his focus on building a tree house, anything to distract him from his fathers death. He refuses to believe that it is true then turns and blames himself.
Stu and his sister have an ongoing feud with another family. The kids of the other family take over the tree house that they built. To get it back, they go thought their fathers old war stuff and prepare to fight for it. All the kids go crazy while fighting. Both going so far that they ruin the fort in the fight. The sister says they all "lost their minds" while fighting for the fort. Just like their dad lost his mind fighting during the war.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

college essay part 2

Our class continued to work on our college essays this week. I have rewritten and revised my essay so many times but it still doesn't seem good enough. I'm not sure what to write about or how to word some of my sentences. There is a lot of pressure to have an amazing college essay. It is used to show what kind of person we are to our desired colleges. It can be a deciding factor for weather or not we get into that college. That is a lot to think about while trying to write these essays.
Even though I'm planning on going to a culinary school, and not a traditional college, I have to write three short essays. I am not the best writer, which is one reason culinary school is so desirable. I wont have to take any language arts, math, or science classes. So the fact that I have to write an essay to show how I would fit into the school is a little nerve racking.

Monday, September 15, 2014

college essays

I have been working on my college essays this week. It is really stressful to write a good essay. These essays could be the deciding factor for whether or not we get into the college of our choice. College essays could majorly impact our future's and it puts a lot of stress on us to make them good. It is hard to know what to write about. I'm not sure how personal I want to make my essay or how long. These are little questions but could actually have a big impact on my life.
My first choice college is a culinary school in California. It requires three essays with 100 word minimums. That seems easy enough, but i'm still stressed out that my essays will not be what they are looking for. The prompts are not the traditional college essay prompts, They are about my experience in the food industry, my passion for food, and my 5 year plan. It is hard to describe these things in writing. Hopefully I can pull off three good essays!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Our experiences shape the way we view the world and the other people around us. They mold our imagination and way of thinking. The events in our life impact us in a way that makes us think back on things when similar events happen, which then changes the way we handle ourselves. Where the experience is big or small, if it is meaningful enough to stay in your memories, it will have an impact on your life later on. I have grown up boating and have always loved being on the water. This little part of my life has made me really respect nature and made me love the outdoors.

Saturday, September 6, 2014


This week in class we talked about memoirs. Memoirs are true stories written by the person who went through the event. They are personal memories and feelings written down to be shared with the world. The most famous memoirs are usually about overcoming tragedy and a difficult life. Memoirs are different than an autobiography because they focus and a certain event or person in the writers life, not a full life summary.
I have picked to read Look Me In the Eye: My Life with Asperger's by John Elder Robison. This memoir is about John Robison's life growing up with asperger's syndrome and overcoming the many hurtles that comes with it. I'm looking forward to reading this book and seeing things from John's perspective.